Patrick J. Buchanan
Pub. Date
The former Nixon advisor and best-selling author of Churchill, Hitler, and "The Unnecessary War" traces the unanticipated political rise of the 37th President just six years after his gubernatorial loss, sharing insights into how he resurrected his career and reunited a divided Republican Party.
Thomas Dunne Books
Pub. Date
Buchanan's latest polemic exposes the risks America faces today and what those dangers will mean for the country's future. He warns against not only the dangers that the country faces under Obama, but also the risk of sliding into irrelevancy that the Republican party faces if it chooses to forget its core values.
Thomas Dunne Books/St. Martin's Press
Pub. Date
Pat Buchanan is sounding the alarm. Since 9/11, more than four million illegal immigrants have crossed our borders, and there are more coming every day. Our leaders in Washington lack the political will to uphold the rule of law. The Melting Pot is broken beyond repair, and the future of our nation is at stake.
In this important book, Pat Buchanan reveals that, slowly but surely, the great American Southwest is being reconquered by Mexico. These...
Thomas Dunne Books
Pub. Date
American Empire is at its apex. We are the sole superpower with no potential challenger for a generation. We can reach any point on the globe with our cruise missiles and smart bombs and our culture penetrates every nook and cranny of the global village. Yet we are now the most hated country on earth, buried beneath a mountain of debt and morally bankrupt.
Where the Right Went Wrong chronicles how the Bush administration and Beltway conservatives...
Thomas Dunne Books/St. Martin's Press
Pub. Date
America is coming apart at the seams. Forces foreign and domestic seek an end to U.S. sovereignty and independence. Before us looms the prospect of an America breaking up along the lines of race, ethnicity, class and culture. In Day of Reckoning, Pat Buchanan reveals the true existential crisis of the nation and shows how President Bush's post-9/11 conversion to an ideology of "democratism" led us to the precipice of strategic disaster abroad and...
Thomas Dunne Books
Pub. Date
The national bestseller that shocked the nation--The Death of the West is an unflinching look at the increasing decline in Western culture and power.
The West is dying. Collapsing birth rates in Europe and the U. S., coupled with population explosions in Africa, Asia and Latin America are set to cause cataclysmic shifts in world power, as unchecked immigration swamps and polarizes every Western society and nation.
The Death of the West details how...
Little, Brown
Pub. Date
Right from the Beginning is the personal memoir of Pat Buchanan, the story of how the most controversial conservative in America got where he is today and how he came to believe as he does. It is the intimate first-person account of how the third son in a devout Catholic family of nine children, an expellee from Georgetown University at age twenty-one, without experience in journalism or politics, became, at twenty-three, the youngest editorial writer...
9) Nixon's White House wars: the battles that made and broke a president and divided America forever
Crown Forum
Pub. Date
"Pat Buchanan, bestselling author and former senior adviser to President Richard Nixon in the White House, for the first time describes his years advising the president throughout the two terms of his administration, up until he resigned office in August 1974 in the wake of Watergate"--
"From Vietnam to the Southern Strategy, from the opening of China to the scandal of Watergate, Pat Buchanan--speechwriter and senior adviser to President Nixon--tells...
Crown Publishers
Pub. Date
Patrick Buchanan makes the case that, if not for the blunders of British statesmen--Winston Churchill first among them--the horrors of two world wars and the Holocaust might have been avoided and the British Empire might never have collapsed into ruins. Half a century of murderous oppression of scores of millions under the iron boot of Communist tyranny might never have happened, and Europe's central role in world affairs might have been sustained...